
Moonlight Resonance [promotion 3]...

he finally attends a promotion in HK...

click on picture to enlarge...
source: on.cc

news translation/summary:
coming soon...

source: takungpao.com, singtao.com, on.cc, Apple Action News, Appledaily

click on pictures to enlarge...

more pictures (big):
and check out the TVB blog of the cast members...

picture comments:
he's so cute... hehehe...
the ray-bans are back!!!
someone should tell him to tie his shoelace... hahaha... such a giant BB...


wayne lai talks about moses...

there's nothing better than a veteran praising moses...
especially a veteran whom i also love...

source: Appledaily

original text:

在 黎 耀 祥 眼 中 , 陳 豪 就 算 演 群 戲 也 能 恰 如 其 份 , 完 全 投 入 角 色 。

陳 豪 夠 功 力

跟 一 班 老 戲 骨 鬥 戲 , 黎 耀 祥 駕 輕 就 熟 , 跟 後 生 一 輩 合 作 , 最 欣 賞 那 一 位 ? 黎 耀 祥 說 : 「 我 幾 鍾 意 陳 豪 , 演 員 最 考 功 夫 係 個 戲 唔 你 度 , 但 你 要 存 在 , 而 存 在 得 你 唔 係 搶 , 好 難 做 ! 老 實 講 , 後 生 班 得 佢 一 個 做 得 到 , 有 做 群 戲 都 係 hea hea , 但 陳 豪 梗 會 有 搞 , 就 算 一 個 wide shot , 你 會 睇 到 佢 同 人 唔 同 , 但 又 冇 離 開 個 角 色 , 既 符 合 角 色 , 又 符 合 環 境 。 」

brief translation/summary:

in wayne's eyes, even when moses is filming a "group" scene he is accurate, entirely into character.

moses has enough power

...working with the younger generation, who does he admire most? wayne said, "i quite like moses, the thing that tests an actor/actress' ability is when the scene is not on you, but you have to be there, but be there without sticking out (stealing attention), it's very hard to do! honestly speaking, out of the younger group he is the only one who can do it, some who film "group" scenes are hea hea (don't know the definition of this term), but moses will definitely do something, even in a wide shot, you can see that he is different from the others, but he doesn't leave his character, will match the character, and the surrounding."

what more can i say??? moses is awesome!!! hehe...
and i love wayne for praising him...


new series with myolie...

the reason why i'm ok with this pairing...
i'm the type of person who looks at the person him/herself before i look at his/her acting...
let's take a look at this screencap of TVB's 40th anniversary award ceremony...

this is right after moses won the "most favorite character" award...
look at myolie looking at moses attentively... i don't know how i can hate someone who looks at our giant BB that way... haha... it's really hard!!!
i also have to give bonus points to the other lovely ladies on stage who smiled or laughed at moses when he was being too silly...


喝彩! 北京奧運 [news]...

moses goes to shanghai to take part in this show...

click on picture to enlarge...
source: QQ.com

news translation/summary:

in this show moses becomes a girl, playing 馮程程... moses said he's always being cheated, was told to come on the show and play a girl... but he said he doesn't mind: "come here to play, also able to bring up the atmosphere it's not a bad thing, people who watch it is happy then i'm happy."

source: QQ.com

fans gathering in shanghai - posing
fans gathering in shanghai - acting as 阿卡
Entertainment Online
self-taken clip of show - introduction
self-taken clip of show - acting as 馮程程
asked about 阿卡
self-taken clip of PayVision E-News filming

awww... i want to watch this!!! haha...
giant BB loves dressing up as a girl... hehehe... silly...

moonlight resonance [screencaps] (episode 13)...

another great episode for mo fans!!!
阿卡 & 阿月!!! hehe... i just love this pairing...
they're totally cute in this episode...

i just love the way 阿月 treats him... she's really like a second mother to him... scolds him, spoils him, and protects him... [squeals] hehe...

things i noticed that's pretty significant:
o1. 阿卡 called 阿月, 孫皓月 (notice it's not 甘--)... that means something, but i don't know how to explain it... hehe...
o2. his colleagues from 拉姐's (eliza) PR company are working for him... hahaha...

episode starts with the family celebrating 嫲嫲's birthday... the 嫲嫲 is so cute in this episode!!!

also love how they threw him into the pool... loving how the family is so colorful...

and another cute 阿卡 & 嫲嫲 scene...
but the cutest would have to be when 阿月 grabbed his hand when he was trying to see if 嫲嫲 was really sleeping...

and we finally see him playing that PSP... he's all into it...
favorite part here whould have to be when they hugged 荷媽...

one of the cutest scenes in this episode... there's like a few... haha...
what i found funny was when 阿月 was pulling his blanket he held on to it... made me think he was wearing just his undies... hoho!!!

(GIF) before this scene 阿月 was talking to him on phone about his interview... she told him that if he does well she will treat him to a good meal... that's what i mean when i said she spoils him...
and right here 阿月 tells him that 拉姐 is always yelling at people and he makes this extremely weird expression... still totally cute though...

i love how she passed him her lunch box, but he just stares at it and drops it... and then slaps his arm... hehe...

(GIFs) love love love this part!!! his expressions just kill me... hahaha!!!

tells her he will treat her to dinner... i think he feels so bad for her...

another super funny scene... i can rewatch this so many times...
loved that thing about bluetooth... and when he was doing that "should i answer the phone" thing... haha... but the best part would have to be when they left and came back to annoy 拉姐 and then run away again screaming...

and here are some of the cutest cutest scenes ever...
this is when he created the nicknames 大兜 and 小兜 for him and 阿月...
and a little goof: he's wearing another pair of glasses, not the ray-bans...

(GIF) cute!!!

tells her that she will be part of his new company... and he tells her about that stock thing... she mentions the bite mark again...

(GIFs) these are seriously my favorites...
in the second one he's like making this weird sound... haha... adorable...

he tells his family that he's starting his own PR company (揸勤 public relations limited)... too many cute expressions and actions here...

his first function!!! and one of the "grand" scenes...
love how his family supports him...

love this expression!!! he had that kind of relieved look on his face... and his eyes were shiny and red... awww!!!

so carrie lam plays tracy ip's older sister... hehe... i like her... and that scene when moses thanked her... he's doing that sexy thing...
i noticed that sometimes he doesn't want others to see him without his glasses... like he would rush to put them back on... but this time he took it off purposely...

and here's the end with him being all happy...