there are so many pictures...
i lost track of the sites... haha... best thing to do is check baidu...
have fun looking through all the pics...
click on pictures to enlarge...more pictures (big)
comments:giant BB entered the stage with fala and tavia and he said: "荷馬 runs fast, 攞女 is strange, 阿卡 wins an award, 啞妹 will sing a song"...
did BB think of that himself??? hehehe... too cute...
and he was wearing such a cute outfit... vest & bowtie!!! polka dot bowtie = "i want to hug your head"... hehe...
but then i don't like the pants... he needs to take those off (no, i don't mean it that way)... i like his tight dress pants better...
and he had his piercings... yes!!!
oh he's too hot...
he walked down the red carpet with si kei jie... makes a lot of sense since they both won the biggest award last year...
but then why didn't he get to present an award??? i think si kei presented the "best actor" award...
[spit a whole lot of swear words] TVB is so [spit some more swear words]...*
ummm... about the results...
totally agree with most of them...
wayne!!! yes!!! mai seut!!! yes!!! etc... haha...
but what's with the most charming/stylish award..? yea, that didn't really make sense... BB deserves that award...*
we love you, mo!!! next year, BB!!!*i will leave all my hating and ranting for my fangirl randomness blog... haha...