his comment on the passing of MJ:
我還很記得他有次在唱《Man In The Mirror》時唱到跪地……本來不久后大家就可再看到他,但現在他的歌聲只能在腦海中回憶。
source: ChinaPress.Com
source: on.cc, sinchew-i.com, HKHeadline
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
勤意咖啡館 (Vivian's Blog)
foolish mikoyo: dalalalala!!!~i saw them!!weeeeee!! (candid)
七軍の陽光城堡 - 追星成功!!七軍很High!! (一) (candid)
swlee512 BLOG: 1, 2, 3 (candid)
【淚在滴诉ぃ→淚】情绪小站 [♥]: 嘻嘻...看到柴九...黎耀祥...了 (candid)
StoRy AbOut A SiLLy GaL: A Date with WLT Starz Roadshow (candid)
Hongkong Starz Stlaker: 華麗星星會 Event (candid)
i'm saimatkong » A Date with WLT Starz 华丽星星会 @ Empurau Fish Restaurant: 1, 2, 3
黎耀祥 Blog - 馬來西亞 - 大唐西遊記宣傳
Eddie Guyuno's photostream - 華麗星星會
swlee512 BLOG video
阳光天空 video
@_@ <= my expression when i saw his pictures... -o- <= this one too... haha... before he left for australia it actually looks like he lost some weight... BUT now that he's back it looks like he gained some... shirt looks like it's for Heart... hehehe...
it's still great to see him back though..! yay yay!!! i want to hug him...
and there's DJ vivian!!! awww, i like her... she makes me think of: "dato 阿mo!!!"
here's what she wrote in one of her tweets (@VivianTok):
今天又见Dato ah Mo~ 他胖了点呢~~~ (blush)
hahaha... she's hilarious!!! gotta love her...
clip comments:
love how he's laughing so much!!! hehe...
did you notice how they put his name when wayne was speaking... that made me laugh...
wayne always makes me laugh... humble to a point that he has a shy & awkward expression on his face... reminds me of moses... awww...
opening a cafe in malaysia?!! i will totally go to malaysia for that... meet up with some malaysia mo fans... that should be fun...
that's all i've found so far... will definitely update when i find more goodies...
i still have to read the news articles...