news summary:
bernice liu, kate tsui, fala chen, steven ma, matthew ko, and stephen huynh performed a dance during the lighting ceremony...
watched rumored girlfriend bernice and steven dance a 'hot body' dance, moses expressed that he will not be jealous, "it's healthy sex appeal"... asked if he wants to be bernice's dance partner, moses said, "allow company to arrange, watching them dance there is a rush"... reporters asked him he had a rush watching bernice dance... moses said, "i meant a rush from the latin dance"... reporters also said bernice showed off her body to support moses... moses laughing said reporters have a great imagination, moses is actually not worried about awards...
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PayVision E-News
there's just too much talk about the awards these days...
i just want to watch The Ultimate Crime Fighter!!! haha...
and by the way i just love that '40' sign... it's a very nice design...