once again no new details on his character...
click on picture to enlarge...
source: Oriental Daily
news translation/summary:
the news article is about rumors of moses' screen time being cut so that raymond can win "best actor"... moses and raymond responds to the rumor...
below are things i found interesting so i translated it...
when asked if there is any competition between him and moses raymond replied, "no, working with him is very happy, in the past [i] thought he was very cool, but he is so tall/big and humorous it is really cute, if there is anything [i] don't know i will ask him, communication is very good..."
si kei jie also responded: "as a veteran, lee si kei also does not believe this rumor, furthermore thinks that moses' role is very hard to play."
source: Oriental Daily
full translation coming soon..?
i also don't believe the rumors... and i really want to know more about moses' role especially since si kei jie said his role is hard to play...
i really like what raymond said about moses... and i totally agree with him... hehehe...
and i can't get enough of moses' glasses... he looks so cute!!!