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source: Appledaily
news translation/summary:
(a compilation of different news articles...)
moses, kary, and michael wong were guests at the opening of CSL new flagship store... during the function the MC asked moses whether he likes reading business news or entertainment news on his cellphone and moses answered he likes reading entertainment... then laughing the MC said is it to see who is his rumored girlfriend of that day... when moses heard this he blushed and bowed his head and did not answer...
later he tells reporters that blushing is his strong point and weak point and he cannot control it... when asked about the MC's question moses said he didn't know she would ask that question, but she was just joking... moses said his birthday just passed and it's the exact same day as michael wong's birthday... asked how he spent his birthday he said he spent it on set... asked if there is any special birthday presents he received and moses said he got a very nice bicycle... asked what bernice got him moses said he did not get anything from her and that she is not in hong kong... asked if she sent her greetings he said she did not, but it is okay as long as she gives him a present and he asked reporters to pursue her to get the present... asked what present he wants he said it doesn't matter and then he said it should have something to do with coffee because he loves coffee... asked if he and bernice keep in contact using SMS and moses said they only contact each other when something special happens to ask after each other... asked if he would use 3G cellphone he said he would not because there is no privacy when using it...
source: takungpao.com, on.cc, singtao.com
source: on.cc, Apple Action News, mingpao.com, Oriental Daily, takungpao.com, singtao.com
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on.cc - ontv
look at the tight pants and the glittery shoes (can be seen in the ontv clip)... too sexy!!! hehehe...
moses and michael have collaborated in a few movies... it's cool that their birthday is on the same day... hopefully they can film another movie together...
and a bicycle??? i wish someone would give me that for my birthday... haha...
ontv comments:
this clip is awesome because we get to hear what moses actually said during the function and when talking to the reporters...
and he really wants bernice to give him a present!!! hahaha..!