they accept an interview from cha siu yan...
click on picture to enlarge...
Part 1...
Part 2...
i absolutely love this interview...
moses is like the most filial son there is... love that about him!!!
and his mommy is super nice and cool... she's so modern...
my favorite part of the interview:
siu yan: auntie, how many sons do you have???
mo ma: i have 3 sons 1 daughter (goddaughter)...
siu yan: yes... and moses is number..?
mo ma: BB (baby)!!!
siu yan: hahaha..!
moses: i'm a big BB...
siu yan: hahaha..! yes...
moses: laughing so loud...
siu yan: a giant BB!!! hahaha..!
moses & mo ma: hahaha..!
there are a lot of these funny and cute moments in this interview... a must-listen for moses fans...
i also learned something new about moses... he can move his ears... before this interview i already had a feeling he could do that since he could move his eyebrows and rotate his tongue 360 degrees so this interview just confirmed it... hahaha... i swear this man can do anything...
look at moses' cap!!! "lucky b!tch"... wow... hahaha...