here are some photos from "good boy," vincent wan's blog...
thank you, vincent for these adorable & beautiful shots!!!
click on pictures to enlarge...
this is where they live... (left) si kei jie's home... (right) ha yu's home...
fala & dexter and susanna & louis's wedding...
group picture with a giant mooncake... the big word is si kei jie's name in the series...
at "classic karaoke-style bar"...
"poster shooting day"...
moses is such a dork in that karaoke photo!!! love him!!! and he's going to play the guitar?!! i will die... just his outfit in that scene is enough to make me faint... hehe...
i'm so happy that moses is still in the center of the poster... it looks the same as Heart of Greed's, but oh wells... and dexter is missing?!! where's dexter??? haha... the other thing that bothers me is the gap between lok yi and kam jie... they should put vincent between lok yi and kam jie and put dexter next to fala...
last thing... vincent is such a cutie... maybe in a few years he will become my idol... but of course he won't take moses' place... hehe...
oops... i forgot about wayne... haha... hmmm... don't know where he should stand... maybe next to dexter..?