in that first scene outside of the court he & young 阿月 kind of hugged... hehe... i see sparks already!!!
and i really like how 荷媽's so nice to 阿卡... love the way she touchs his face... when she said, "let 荷媽 take one more look at you..." that was so touching!!!
close up of young 阿卡!!!
look, it's the clear purple game boy color... hahaha... did that exist in '96???
(GIF) he's such a great actor!!!
(GIF) awww...
(GIF) i really like this scene with 阿卡... he teased 荷媽 saying her joke was a 爛gag and then 荷媽 stuck her tongue out at him... but the best part is when he teased her he had this very cute expression on his face... his eyes were all squinty and stuff... hehe...
it's 阿卡 and 阿月!!!
and there's the double "V"... hehe... reminds me of moses...
he looks good from the side too... hehe...
episode 3 should have moses... better... hehehe...