there were 2 promotions... different locations/time...
news translation/summary:
coming soon...
source: Kwong Wah e-newspaper,, The Sun
press interview
click on pictures to enlarge...
2nd promotion
click on pictures to enlarge...
airport (8/18)
click on picture to enlarge...
more pictures:
Moses Chan TVB Artistes Blog
official Astro pictures (1st promotion)
self-taken HQ pictures by tvbauntie's husband (1st promotion)
self taken pictures @ DienAnh.Net Forums (1st promotion)
self-taken pictures by JacQ (2nd promotion)
Hongkong Starz Stalker (2nd promotion)
Vivian's Blog - MY FM interview
Simply Fungyi
Ivy's Blog
self-taken clips by Ivyryc - 1st promotion
self-taken clips by JacQ - 2nd promotion
self-taken clip by bonniecy75 - 2nd promotion
MY FM Interview:
picture comments:
i really love the shoes he wore for the first promotion...
and i love his apple green/lime green dress shirt!!! he makes a cute fruit... haha...
MY FM interview comments:
moses is too cute for words... dato 阿mo, we love you!!! hehehe...
everyone hinting at moses dating bernice again... and he told them to stop telling secrets... so does that mean something... haha...
tavia said moses added that cute line: "how do you check???" into the Moonlight script... gosh, he really knows how to be cute...
and he's going to film an ancient series after he goes to australia... can't wait to learn more about this series...