this one kind of focused on him... gosh i feel so bad for 阿卡... his story is so touching...
he & astrid have great chemistry... but i need more mo & tavia scenes...
just watch this episode!!! hehe...
ok, i want to talk more about this episode... hehe... because it's just that good...
in this episode he has a lot of interactions with his siblings who live with 荷媽... and it's just super funny... i hope he goes over for dinner more often... and that really means: i want to see more mo & tavia interactions!!!
mo & tavia look great together!!! she goes against him, but it's for his own good... it's fun to watch him yell at her... haha...
he and his colleagues have great chemistry... i love them too!!! they like gather around him to talk about stocks and he's just so funny then...
then there's astrid!!! i really like her... hehe... i love how she yells at him...
but the best part is really when he flirts with her... he totally kills me too!!! hehe...
"i really want to push you into the ocean!!!" <= i love this line!!!
after watching this episode i really love 阿卡... but i already fell in love with him a long time ago... hehehe...
how does one make 100+ screencaps of moses??? with love... hehehe...
i work overtime for all of you!!!
sa姨 asks him to go to dinner... everyone will be there... he obviously hates her... haha...
dinner scene was hilarious...
(GIF) you thought he was "defeated" when sa姨 took out his gift... fixing his glasses with the weird expression... looking like a total geek... hehe...
looks at 阿月 because it's obvious sa姨 is referring to her... but i noticed that he's always looking at her... hehe...
but then he makes a great comeback to sa姨's comment...
i love how all the siblings team up against sa姨!!!
but then disappointment because she "will be back"... hahaha...
i love his colleagues!!! they make him 10x funnier... hehe... that's what i call great chemistry...
favorite line: 4400 is related to you?!! throw it out!!!
and then one of the male colleague pushes the girl away and says: "throw it out!!!"
i also love how when 拉姐 said the word "股" he looked at his butt... yes, he has a cute butt... but let's continue...
(GIF) remember this?!! this is one of my favorite photos from the official pictures... holy moses, his eyes just kill me!!!
(GIF) this reminds me a lot of 得得地, but i will let him live because he's too cute...
asks his two beautiful sisters to help him... i love how he begs them and starts speaking super fast... he's like: "i will love you very much..." and "come on, follow big brother..."
he's so adorable...
i love this yacht scene!!!
i noticed his face was kind of red when he was drinking the champagne... proves that he really can't drink... haha...
(GIF) him and his "electric eyes"... i swear she wants him...
i love it when he fixes his glasses!!! hehe...
(GIF) so smart of the script writers to incorporate Heart into this scene...
(GIF) watch this with caution... hehe...
阿卡: pretty boss... pretty boss...
拉姐: i really want to push you into the ocean!!!
he's still going at it... hahaha...
阿卡 & 阿月!!! i don't know why, but i really like how she dominates him... like she would hit him and yell at him... just like an older sister or wife... wife!!! hehehe...
(GIF) cute!!!
and then super cute!!!
great eye twitching skills... hehe... and super cute sitting on the toilet...
(GIF) told you she's like a wife... when he was done talking to her we can see that she still wanted to hit him... haha...
love how he stuttered when he saw 拉姐...
dinner at 荷媽's... at first he's all happy not knowing what's coming... haha...
it's cute how he yells at 阿月... but so sad when he's being scolded and you can see that his eyes are red and shiny with tears... hehe... breaks my heart...
(GIFs <= yes, plural) too many cute 阿卡 & 阿月 scenes... i love how she grabs his collar and pulls him... haha...
(GIF) watch him do the robot!!! hehehe...
funny expressions and future wifey going against him... because that's love...
dinner at 荷媽's again, but this time he knows he's in for it... haha... gosh, he looks so cute when he's scared... i love 公公!!! he's so nice to 阿卡...
this boy really knows how to tell a joke... he changes his voice and stuff...
and is it just me or does he look exceptionally hot when he's at 荷媽's?!! hehe...
more 阿卡 tomorrow/today???