
Merry Christmas [news]!!!

news translation/summary:

during the event, moses sang one of Gem's subthemes... he told reporters that he doesn't want to become a singer--he just likes to sing... he said he will slowly practice to improve his singing and when he has enough songs he will have a concert... when asked if he gave bernice a christmas present he said, "she's not in hong kong, the present is in the heart, i almost forgot it was christmas because i'm extremely busy, even didn't have time to decorate his most beloved christmas tree...

during the event, they had to pick kids to play games and moses picked a little girl who looked western (鬼鬼地)... the host teased him saying he still likes western looking girls...

source: takungpao.com, singtao.com

source: Oriental Daily, Appledaily, Apple Action News, on.cc, mingpao.com, wenweipo.com, singtao.com

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Apple Action News

awww!!! moses with his kisses... yea, we love you too momo... hehehe...
and look at that suit... sharp!!!
he & ada look like they're having a lot of fun...
oh my moses!!! he does sing one of the subthemes for Gem... i want to hear it!!!
i think he needs a haircut... or not... he should let it grow out... sexy long hair!!! hehehe...
moses and his christmas tree... haha!!! he's so freakin' cute!!!
and the thing about the concert... he cracks me up... he should go on tour...

clip comments:
Scoop... he's so cute!!! and such a dear... heart him!!! hehehe...
and he's so good with the kids... hopefully he has children soon...
ada hopes that he gets married soon and was saying he's not young anymore... haha!!! she's too funny...
his Gem subtheme sounds pretty good... not like the other Gem songs... i wonder why..? haha...
last thing... his hair is really really long... like you have to see it to believe it... too busy to cut his hair i guess... hehe... i think he should take this opportunity to change his hairstyle... HK fans, please tell him when you see him!!! heheee...