click on pictures to enlarge...
source: on.cc
news summary (details on moses' character):
here's what i know from on.cc:
he's a handsome guy...
he's a 股壇狙擊手 (genius stockbroker)...
producer hopes that moses' role will allow female viewers to have a greater room for their imagination...
according to moses his character thinks that a lot of girls like him...
he will be involve in a love triangle with tavia and kate...
here's what i know from takungpao.com:
moses followed ha yu after ha yu and si kei jie had a divorce... he along with two younger brothers...
he will also be involve with his boss, astrid chan (astrid laughed that once she found out she will have kissing scenes with moses she immediately agreed to be a part of the series)...
the series says when moses was in his teens he played with stocks and his fortune was already a few million HKD... in his twenties he owed a few million HKD...
in the end moses ends up with tavia (and he and tavia might have a bed scene)...
and according to other sources moses also has a nickname in this series... it's "jia koo"... it has something to do with stocks, but i don't really get it... haha...
a lot of people on forums and sites said that moses' character is spoiled and is a playboy... but according to takungpao.com he is "一個面懵心精的人"... i think that means he looks dumb and is a kind spirited person... so i'm confuse.... i guess we will have to wait to find out what his character is really like...
news translation:
The costume fitting ceremony for the highly anticipated sequel Heart Of Greed II <溏心風暴之家好月圓> was held today, attended by many members of the original cast, including Ha Yu (夏雨), Lee Si Kei (李司棋), Susanna Kwan (關菊英), Michelle Yim (米雪), Moses Chan (陳豪), Raymond Lam (林峯), Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿), Fala Chen (陳法拉), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣).
The backdrop for this series is a family bakery business, worth HK$10 billion and all of the characters are brand new.
Among the changes is the move for Michelle from being the hardworking and righteous aunt to a villain and in the new series, Si Kei and Susanna will no longer be love rivals, but will be sisters instead. Raymond and Bosco's characters have been switched around and Bosco will be playing the professional character, who will fight against Raymond for a romance with Linda's doctor role.
Ha Yu will be playing a couple with Si Kei, but they are divorced at the beginning of the show, each living with three of their children. Moses, Lok Yi and newcomer Wan Ka Hang (溫家衡)'s characters live with their father Ha Yu, whilst Raymond, Tavia and Fala are with Si Kei. Ha Yu revealed that his businessman character will be even richer than the first series and he will be less exaggerated in this role. He also hinted that there will not be an inheritance battle in the new series, but the storyline will focus more on the interactions between the family and how to build up to a happy ending.
Si Kei said that her character in the new series is a good person again and has a happy-go-lucky personality. She will still be offering sound advice in the new series and as her nickname in the show is "Fat Thing", she is currently working on putting on some weight for the role.
Once again playing a meddling role, Susanna said that she will bring a lot of troubles to her family in the new series. She smiled that she will be a cute villain though because her character is not malicious. She will have romance in the series with Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), who plays a baker. Susanna said that with a number of fresh faces among the cast, it will bring a lot more variety and Kate Tsui (徐子珊) will be playing her daughter. She also revealed that her character has returned to Hong Kong from Portugal, so she has been learning some simple Portuguese and English phrases to make her performance more convincing.
Michelle revealed that her character is the person who comes between Ha Yu and Si Kei in the series, sending away his children and spoiling them for her own evil schemes.
Lee Heung Kam (李香琴) is another of the new faces in the cast and she will be playing Ha Yu's mother, who dislikes Si Kei and is often scolding her. She said that the whole family will follow her instructions, but she is actually very child-like.
The characters of the younger cast members have also seen a vast change and Moses will be playing a genius stockbroker, who made his millions in his teens, but ended up owing millions when he is in his twenties. He laughed that the producer wanted to provide the audience with something to fantasise about, so he has been given a suave character this time. Tavia and Kate will be fighting over him in the show and he will also have a romance with his superior, played by Astrid Chan (陳芷菁). Astrid laughed that when she found out that she would be kissing Moses, she immediately accepted the part.
Raymond's part in the new series will be much larger than his guest appearance in the original and he said that with this comes more responsibility. He revealed that his character is like a housekeeper and he has to be aware of everything that goes on in the family. He will also be taking bakery lessons shortly to prepare for the role.
After the weepy role of "Sheung Joi Sum" in the first series, Linda revealed that her new character is very much the same and is still very emotional. Bosco will be playing a gynaecologist in the show, but will not appear until ten episodes in and will only have a small part in the series. Asked why his role had been reduced, he did not respond directly and just said that Raymond's role was similar in the first show and he was still very popular and as they will be fighting over Linda in the show, he is worried about being accused of "stealing" his girlfriend.
Tavia revealed that her character is an adopted child and is often taunted by Susanna for this reason. However, the role is of a happy person and she will be fighting for the affections of Moses. She added that she is pleased to be able to test her acting skills against so many other leading ladies in the series. Tavia and Fala will be taking lessons in sign language shortly, because Fala's character is a mute and they have a number of scenes where they use sign language to communicate.
Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) and Jack Wu (胡諾言) will be guest starring as the young versions of Si Kei and Ha Yu's characters. Shirley said that she will be watching some of Si Kei's earlier productions to try and capture some of her expressions and gestures.
credits to Emma Lam @ batgwa.com for the translation.
the description of moses' role is the same as what i listed above... but i wanted to share this article because it included details of most of the characters in the series...
source: mingpao.com, Apple Action News, The Sun

click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures (big):
PayVision E-news
Scoop (must watch for moses' fans)
CRHK radio (radio interview)
i've been waiting so long to see moses' image in this series... he looks so hot!!!
i love the glasses... mostly because when he takes it off (if he does) we get to see his beautiful eyes... hehehe..! it's like a contrast thing...
clips comments:
scoop coverage is a must watch because at the end lai lok yi, tavia, fala, vincent wan (newcomer), and the interviewer teased moses about his love life... hehehe...
and in this coverage we can see that moses really takes care of vincent... he was patting the back of vincent's head... i thought that was really cute...