source: Appledaily, Oriental Daily, on.cc, Apple Action News, mingpao.com
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures (big):
mo's message to fans
thanks to hunnypot for uploading...
singing Gem subtheme
Moonlight skit 1/3
Moonlight skit 2/3
Moonlight skit 3/3
countdown 1/2
countdown 2/2
show comments:
mo fans are so lucky... hehe... he's the guest in this mall and TVB records the show here so mo fans are not missing out... yay!!!
saw the beginning when moses gave his intro and he's like so freakin' cute... don't know what he did, but he looked so adorable... i want to pinch his cheeks... i think he did something to his hair 'cause it looks so different and cute...
then he starts singing... i can tell he's nervous 'cause his voice is kind of shaking... hahaha... too cute!!! i think he sang the Gem subtheme... it's really good if you don't think about his shaky voice... hehe... i have to rip it...
been listening to it and the background, melody, whatever it's called is so nice... i hope the cd version sounds good... haha...
about his outfit... awww!!! it's cute... i think the pants goes with the jacket... looks funny, but it's cute...
he's wearing the NIKE sneaker that i love so much... hehe...
then he's wearing those big framed glasses in the Moonlight skit... oh my moses!!! it goes so well with his new hairstyle... whee!!!
i think he messed up that one part when mai suet came out... instead of saying 紅姨 he said mai suet... haha...
the little kids are so adorable... the one who plays 阿卡 is cuter then the one who played 阿卡 in bernice's function... i'm so mean...
the kids are such great actors/actresses... little 阿卡 is just as shy as moses... hehehe...
and then after the countdown they said their wishes... moses wishes all couples in the world get together... i don't know if it's planned, but if it's not then: "awww..!" he's sweet like that... and i saw niki laughing at him... i miss The Gentle Crackdown...
and let's not forget about the confetti on his head... cute!!!
off topic: there was juno... i like him too... hehe...
clip comments:
mo's message is so cute... so creative... another reason to love him some more... hehe!!! mooo..!
Scoop coverage was cute too when tavia was helping him get the confetti out of his hair... he was trying, but she pushed his hand away... giant BB can't do anything himself... haha!!! but we love him for that...
picture comments:
that face in the mingpao picture kills fangirls... hehehe...
on.cc picture => humble & dorky moses...
listen to the live version of moses' Gem subtheme in the post below...