"Beyond" press conference...
news translation/summary:
moses praised "Beyond" ___ (insert big words i don't know how to translate)...
he said there are a lot of beautiful women in this series... and he said he wants to film a comedy version of Playboy (or play a comedic playboy)... asked if bernice would be one of the leading actresses and he said it doesn't matter... he said there must be a lot of women, about 10 to 20, different types, long hair and short hair, sporty and weak...
source: mingpao.com
source: on.cc, Headline Daily, The Sun, Oriental Daily, mingpao.com
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HK Yahoo News - Sing Tao Daily
ent.tom.com (1)
ent.tom.com (2)
picture comments:
actually i'm happy he wore his outfit from "Beyond"... it makes more sense...
but this is his 皇爺 outfit... emperor's would've been sexier... haha!!!
BUT i like the colors of this outfit...
Headline Daily photographer got a bad spot... hahaha... and there goes astrid..!
news comments:
OMM, last time whee and i were talking about him being sexy in a comedy... this comedic playboy totally fits!!! haha... he can be a sexy sarcastic playboy who's tamed by bernice who can be a mean plain jane... good stuff good stuff...
clip comments:
wish moses and kevin said more about filming... oh wells... hehe...
i remember moses also wore shorts in The Gentle Crackdown... thought it was super weird and funny at that time, but now i finally understand...
i like how everyone is laughing at (or with) moses when he was talking at the event... giant BB is funny like that... haha!!!
shy giant BB in the building... hehe... shy, traditional, and conservative... i like that...
don't you just love that part when he teased kevin & charmaine, but in the end charmaine teased him about bernice..? loved it!!! and mai suet, susanna, and tavia were laughing... loved it even more... thank you, charmaine!!!
TVB8 clips are almost always less funny... for real... i don't know what's up with that... haha...