news translation/summary:
moses said when he was young he thought about doing a 寫真 (a book with photos of him naked & good stuff like that), but he won't do it now...
source: Apple Action News
source: HK Daily News,,, Apple Action News, Appledaily, Headline Daily
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more pictures:
E-News (MO吧)
TVB8 (佘吧)
news comments:
he should've done it... haha!!! it's not like we haven't seen his butt before... i think 寫真s do not include frontal nudity... so you know... heee..!
picture comments:
he looks skinny... and tiny... haha... (in the group pics)
and he's pimpin'... hehehe...
ok, he's starting to look like a statue...
goofball is here... the pics of him posing cracks me up...
clip comments:
aw man, i love how in the beginning they were waiting for him and they looked happy when they saw him coming... that was so sweet... he was doing that whole bow thingy (bend his knees) that women in the palace usually do.... hehe... he's just so cute... and mai suet jie grabbed his arm... gosh, i like her a lot... she's one of the BERMO supporters in TVB...
and then during the interview he was so funny... the interviewer mentioned she now sees where the weight is and he said something cute and started looking around... haha...
then he said next time he'll try 300lbs and then did that cute laugh and said "no"...
last he showed his double chin... hehehe... silly...