
Beyond the Realm of Conscience [promotion 5]...

news translation/summary:

source: Appledaily, singtao.com, singpao.com, on.cc, wenweipo.com, mingpao.com, The Sun

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Headline Daily
candids by sandy1222

i like that first pic of his back... hehe... it just looks cool...
i love that one of him and kevin... the interviewer probably mentioned charmaine and moses said he's going to walk away, but kevin grabs him... it's always something like that... or maybe it's like what the news article said about them fighting for blessing, something silly like that... but i look forward to the interview...
moses with his arms around charmaine and tavia and they all look pretty comfortable... no awkwardness there... lol, moses with his goofy smile... that cheeky "lucky bastard"...