source: Headline Daily, Oriental Daily, The Sun
news translation/summary:
in this scene, moses walks out of the bar with his guitar and is beaten up by 5 men... he is kicked to the floor by a high kick... he uses his guitar to dodge the knife when being slashed by the men...
click on pictures to enlarge...
clips: - ontv
gosh, lining these pictures up is like putting together a puzzle... haha... argh...
in the third picture the guy is a body double... poor guy... heee..!
moses' shirt needs to go higher a little so we can see some abs!!! rofl i wonder if he still has the 6 pack...
is it just me or does he look cross-eyed in that picture of him with the thumbs up..? it's a cute pic though...
i love love love that glasses..! it probably wins the Ray-Bans... maybe...
forget to mention that i like how he has his tongue out in the 6th pic... cute...
what happened to the thai kickboxing skills..?
clip comments:
sexy with and without the glasses... seriously loving his look in this series...
i love how he looks like just a sweet, timid, and shy guy near his fans... awww..!