average rating for saturday's episode is 36pts...
average rating for finale night is 46pts peaking at 50pts...
source: mingpao.com
source: Metro HK, The Sun, Oriental Daily, wenweipo.com, mingpao.com, takungpao.com, on.cc, Appledaily

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it finally ended... i'll miss "chasing" moses every night... hahaha... but now i get to concentrate some more on my studies... HA!
some things i wanted to point out about the special:
during the special before the finale started amigo told moses to lead them to say something so moses started, but then looked at everyone who didn't follow and he let out the cutest laugh... i wanted to give him a hug... now that his face is so skinny his mouth looks bigger and that means his smile is even bigger... haha!!!
then during the NG clips moses with his shaking = cute... and then they showed the 15 take NG scene, which was totally embarrassing but i still liked it... i just hope that wasn't him who made that "uhhh" sound throughout that NG footage...
and finally during the special after the finale ended and moses was asked to say something he said a whole lot that didn't quite flow, but that's moses... he doesn't make sense a lot of times... heee..! during the toast siu ching jie approached moses and said something in his ear... ohhh so secretive... she totally has dibs on him for his next series... Here Comes the Princess!!!
Congratulations to Siu Hong jie!!!
i hate how i didn't continue the "weekly thoughts"... maybe i'll just write something about the final week... argh..!