
Audemars Piguet QE II Cup [news]...

news translation/summary:

moses said filming for "Princess" wrapped up...
he'll be going to Macau with his mom to celebrate Mother's Day...

source: a compilation of all news sources

source: Oriental Daily, Sing Tao Daily, HK Daily News, on.cc, Metro Daily, singpao.com

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Headline Daily
candids by C朔 @ 26FUN
Gigi Ho's TVB Blog

on.cc - ontv
TVB8 x E-News

oh momo, you look hella handsome... hahaha...
i like his hair here... when the sides are short or very close to his head lol... and when the top's a little puffy...
he looks so fine in the tux with the bow tie... i won't mind seeing him wear it multiple times... hehehe... too bad it's just sponsored...

see you again on the 27th..!