
Super Trio Game Master [news]...

news translation/summary:

source: Sing Tao Daily, mingpao.com, wenweipo.com, takungpao.com, Headline Daily, The Sun, Appledaily, on.cc, singpao.com

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Ada's 微博


i have two finals coming up... one tomorrow and another the following day... but i'm so happy about this so i had to update ahora lol...
some of us have been waiting so long for him to be on Super Trio or any kind of game show... i know i have hehe... i'm screaming in my head...

i like his outfit... black skinnies!!!
i think he should work on his pecs HAHAHA..!

catherine wrote in her 微博 saying this episode might air on the 16th... excited!!! yes yes!!!


some of you might have seen updates on the new Lau Ka Ho series at other blogs and forums...
i hope he plays a teacher... that would be something very different... *eyes twinkle*