
Standard Chartered Credit Card Commercial [news]...

news translation/summary:

filming + shooting Standard Chartered credit card commercial for TV and newspapers...

source: entnM!

source: entnM!

click to enlarge...

more pictures:
ent.mop.com (bigger)

日日渣打卡 處處賺不停 (25s)

this can't be really recent since his hair looks so short... just yesterday i saw a pic of him with crazy afro-like hair... so not cool... hahahah!!!
but anyhoo, he looks so cute & sexy here... he should dress like that always...
the girl on his left just loves looking at him... woot! lol we all do... heee
i need to see this commercial!!!

commercial comments:
my heart skipped a beat!!! it's such a cute & silly commercial... i love it!!!
now i miss his player roles... hahaha...