fighting and then acting lovey dovey...
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news translation/summary:
moses and tavia in TVB's new series play a couple, last night they were at 銅鑼灣 filming an outdoor scene, both persons at one moment were on the street arguing, on the road chasing each other, almost causing moses to get hit by a delivery van, but in the blink of an eye, both persons instantly like 糖黐豆 ("sugar sticky bean" which means they are close) on the street flirting.
source: Apple Action News
moses in the past few days have been filming outdoor scenes for new series, last night at 11PM, he and tavia wore couple (matching) overcoat, at 銅鑼灣 filmed a scene about love, both persons also had to film a "fighting" scene, scene is tavia had to suddenly get angry 「起飛腳」 ("raise flying leg" which means lifting her leg to kick) kick moses, but to avoid 假戲真做 (fake acting really doing) and cause an accident, they test positions a few times before filming, but when it came to the actual filming still because could not help laughing had to re-film many times.
source: Apple Action News,, Appledaily
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more pictures (big):
Appledaily o1, o2, o3, o4
they are so cute together!!! and are they matching?!? hahaha... caption for the kicking picture is: "moses and tavia during rehearsal when kicking looks just like dancing"
i agree with that caption... and i can see tavia laughing... hehe...