filming on 5/21...
news mentioned this, but so far only charmaine & kevin...
check out: 花生糖 BLOG
not in the mood right now... i feel nauseous...
filming Beyond the Realm of Conscience [15] contd. (NEXT 1002)...
filming opening video...
source: NEXT 1002
click on pictures to enlarge...
this one is so cute it gets its own post...
awww, they all want to play with moses...
is it because women are attracted to colorful things..? or is it because of the beads on his hat..?
charmaine and lam yi kei like the beads... love his expression when charmaine is playing with his beads... and don't forget his hands... don't be scared momo..! haha!!!
source: NEXT 1002
click on pictures to enlarge...
this one is so cute it gets its own post...
awww, they all want to play with moses...
is it because women are attracted to colorful things..? or is it because of the beads on his hat..?
charmaine and lam yi kei like the beads... love his expression when charmaine is playing with his beads... and don't forget his hands... don't be scared momo..! haha!!!
Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe [news]...
news translation/summary:
source: Appledaily, Apple Action News, Oriental Daily,, The Sun, Metro HK, Headline Daily,,
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
Headline Daily
clips: - ontv
Scoop (MO吧)
picture comments:
model moses is BACK!!!
he looks so freakin' good dressed in all black...
looking too sexy when he doesn't smile... hahaha... that's the model face...
and we cannot forget the piercings... heee..!
he doesn't look fat... well, maybe just the thighs... haha!!! but everything else looks good...
clips comments:
awww, i love how he's laughing so much... so shy... and his head was red... cute!!!
i just want to pinch his cheeks...
he's like the HK hugh jackman... so freakin' sexy... well he does have australia in him... SEXY...
moses will be going on vacation with his family after he's done filming "Beyond"... i'll miss him... *tear... hehehe...
source: Appledaily, Apple Action News, Oriental Daily,, The Sun, Metro HK, Headline Daily,,
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
Headline Daily
clips: - ontv
Scoop (MO吧)
picture comments:
model moses is BACK!!!
he looks so freakin' good dressed in all black...
looking too sexy when he doesn't smile... hahaha... that's the model face...
and we cannot forget the piercings... heee..!
he doesn't look fat... well, maybe just the thighs... haha!!! but everything else looks good...
clips comments:
awww, i love how he's laughing so much... so shy... and his head was red... cute!!!
i just want to pinch his cheeks...
he's like the HK hugh jackman... so freakin' sexy... well he does have australia in him... SEXY...
moses will be going on vacation with his family after he's done filming "Beyond"... i'll miss him... *tear... hehehe...
MingPao Weekly 40th Anniversary...
moses and his poems... hehe...
he said they stick to the truth... i like that... that means we can trust it...
i love his smiley!!! the wink with the tongue... and the peace sign is too cute...
峯從那裡來 (Raymond Lam Special)...
click to watch: 峯從那裡來 (峯吧)
this is the full version... moses appears @ 10:20...
asking for his abalone... hahaha...
marco from Best Selling Secrets also cracks me up... LMAO @ the short pants comment...
filming Beyond the Realm of Conscience [17]...
filming on 4/23...
source: Lawrence's Blog
click on pictures to enlarge...
aw, i wish there were pics of him actually filming... haha...
looks like he has a lot to say... highlighted!!!
and he's sitting on stitch... hehehe... too cute...
source: Lawrence's Blog
click on pictures to enlarge...
aw, i wish there were pics of him actually filming... haha...
looks like he has a lot to say... highlighted!!!
and he's sitting on stitch... hehehe... too cute...
filming Beyond the Realm of Conscience [16]...
filming on 5/14
check out:
小维妮 BLOG
such cute pics of moses holding the baby... his huge hand making that huge thumbs up...
i like how that baby is holding on to moses... one tiny hand behind moses' neck and the other tiny hand holding moses' big hand... giant BB X tiny BB!!! hahaha...
this baby is seriously too lucky... a 2 yr old makes me jealous... haha... i have serious problems...
moses putting on his watch... haha... lucky bastard cap, but he can't wear it...
his hair is really scary... no, i do not want to hug his head... haha!!!
hope he has a function soon 'cause i miss seeing his casual look...
check out:
小维妮 BLOG
such cute pics of moses holding the baby... his huge hand making that huge thumbs up...
i like how that baby is holding on to moses... one tiny hand behind moses' neck and the other tiny hand holding moses' big hand... giant BB X tiny BB!!! hahaha...
this baby is seriously too lucky... a 2 yr old makes me jealous... haha... i have serious problems...
moses putting on his watch... haha... lucky bastard cap, but he can't wear it...
his hair is really scary... no, i do not want to hug his head... haha!!!
hope he has a function soon 'cause i miss seeing his casual look...
filming Beyond the Realm of Conscience [15]...
opening video/themevideo...
news translation/summary:
moses said when he was young he thought about doing a 寫真 (a book with photos of him naked & good stuff like that), but he won't do it now...
source: Apple Action News
source: HK Daily News,,, Apple Action News, Appledaily, Headline Daily
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
E-News (MO吧)
TVB8 (佘吧)
news comments:
he should've done it... haha!!! it's not like we haven't seen his butt before... i think 寫真s do not include frontal nudity... so you know... heee..!
picture comments:
he looks skinny... and tiny... haha... (in the group pics)
and he's pimpin'... hehehe...
ok, he's starting to look like a statue...
goofball is here... the pics of him posing cracks me up...
clip comments:
aw man, i love how in the beginning they were waiting for him and they looked happy when they saw him coming... that was so sweet... he was doing that whole bow thingy (bend his knees) that women in the palace usually do.... hehe... he's just so cute... and mai suet jie grabbed his arm... gosh, i like her a lot... she's one of the BERMO supporters in TVB...
and then during the interview he was so funny... the interviewer mentioned she now sees where the weight is and he said something cute and started looking around... haha...
then he said next time he'll try 300lbs and then did that cute laugh and said "no"...
last he showed his double chin... hehehe... silly...
news translation/summary:
moses said when he was young he thought about doing a 寫真 (a book with photos of him naked & good stuff like that), but he won't do it now...
source: Apple Action News
source: HK Daily News,,, Apple Action News, Appledaily, Headline Daily
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
E-News (MO吧)
TVB8 (佘吧)
news comments:
he should've done it... haha!!! it's not like we haven't seen his butt before... i think 寫真s do not include frontal nudity... so you know... heee..!
picture comments:
he looks skinny... and tiny... haha... (in the group pics)
and he's pimpin'... hehehe...
ok, he's starting to look like a statue...
goofball is here... the pics of him posing cracks me up...
clip comments:
aw man, i love how in the beginning they were waiting for him and they looked happy when they saw him coming... that was so sweet... he was doing that whole bow thingy (bend his knees) that women in the palace usually do.... hehe... he's just so cute... and mai suet jie grabbed his arm... gosh, i like her a lot... she's one of the BERMO supporters in TVB...
and then during the interview he was so funny... the interviewer mentioned she now sees where the weight is and he said something cute and started looking around... haha...
then he said next time he'll try 300lbs and then did that cute laugh and said "no"...
last he showed his double chin... hehehe... silly...
moses in Metro HK (5/11)...
source: Metro HK
Focus 陳豪型男大翻新
攝:Ronald Chan
翻查資料,阿Mo在1995年拍徐克的電影《刀》時,也曾做過筋肉人,連同戲對手趙文卓也比下去。「其實那時候我只用了一個月,將腰圍火速由 36吋減至28吋,雖然成功鍛煉出幾塊肌肉,但整個人好乾,個頭瘦到骷髏頭般。為了減肥,我甚麼也不吃,結果患上輕微厭食症。」現在想起,阿Mo也直言這種減肥方法過於偏激,幸好當時及時回頭,厭食症才得以制止。
燕麥百花蒸釀豆腐 (4人分量)
材料:鮮蝦肉半斤,胡蘿蔔碎2湯匙,板豆腐2磚,桂格即食燕麥片/ 燕麥糠3湯匙,植物油1湯匙
1. 硬豆腐用清水沖淨,以抹手紙吸乾水分,每磚豆腐切成8件薄長方形,每件豆腐中間挖空少許,備用。
2. 蝦肉用刀剁碎,加入調味料,以單一方向快速打圈攪拌,直至蝦肉粘身,成蝦膠。
3. 拌入胡蘿蔔碎及燕麥片拌勻。
4. 每件豆腐面拍上少許生粉,將燕麥蝦膠釀在豆腐上,放在蒸碟中,以大火蒸7 – 8分鐘至熟透。
5. 蒸豆腐期間,將獻汁材料煮滾,然後淋上蒸好的燕麥百花蒸釀豆腐上即成。
燕麥胡蘿蔔木耳牛肉粥 (2人分量)
1. 瘦牛肉洗淨,切絲,拌入醃料醃片刻備用。
2. 木耳洗淨,用清水浸發至軟身,瀝乾水分,切絲備用。
3. 胡蘿蔔去皮洗淨,切絲。
4. 鍋中放入快熟燕麥片及適量水以慢火煮至黏稠,加入木耳絲、胡蘿蔔絲及牛肉一起煮3分鐘至材料全熟,下調味料拌勻即可食用。
click on pictures to enlarge...
picture captions:
picture comments:
i got lazy with the rest of the pics... haha!!! but you've seen the other pics...
love all the new pics... especially the one of him in the chair crossing his legs... look at those legs..! actually, look at that butt..! hahaha... the light really bounces off of it... heee...
article comments later...
Focus 陳豪型男大翻新
攝:Ronald Chan
翻查資料,阿Mo在1995年拍徐克的電影《刀》時,也曾做過筋肉人,連同戲對手趙文卓也比下去。「其實那時候我只用了一個月,將腰圍火速由 36吋減至28吋,雖然成功鍛煉出幾塊肌肉,但整個人好乾,個頭瘦到骷髏頭般。為了減肥,我甚麼也不吃,結果患上輕微厭食症。」現在想起,阿Mo也直言這種減肥方法過於偏激,幸好當時及時回頭,厭食症才得以制止。
燕麥百花蒸釀豆腐 (4人分量)
材料:鮮蝦肉半斤,胡蘿蔔碎2湯匙,板豆腐2磚,桂格即食燕麥片/ 燕麥糠3湯匙,植物油1湯匙
1. 硬豆腐用清水沖淨,以抹手紙吸乾水分,每磚豆腐切成8件薄長方形,每件豆腐中間挖空少許,備用。
2. 蝦肉用刀剁碎,加入調味料,以單一方向快速打圈攪拌,直至蝦肉粘身,成蝦膠。
3. 拌入胡蘿蔔碎及燕麥片拌勻。
4. 每件豆腐面拍上少許生粉,將燕麥蝦膠釀在豆腐上,放在蒸碟中,以大火蒸7 – 8分鐘至熟透。
5. 蒸豆腐期間,將獻汁材料煮滾,然後淋上蒸好的燕麥百花蒸釀豆腐上即成。
燕麥胡蘿蔔木耳牛肉粥 (2人分量)
1. 瘦牛肉洗淨,切絲,拌入醃料醃片刻備用。
2. 木耳洗淨,用清水浸發至軟身,瀝乾水分,切絲備用。
3. 胡蘿蔔去皮洗淨,切絲。
4. 鍋中放入快熟燕麥片及適量水以慢火煮至黏稠,加入木耳絲、胡蘿蔔絲及牛肉一起煮3分鐘至材料全熟,下調味料拌勻即可食用。
click on pictures to enlarge...
picture captions:
picture comments:
i got lazy with the rest of the pics... haha!!! but you've seen the other pics...
love all the new pics... especially the one of him in the chair crossing his legs... look at those legs..! actually, look at that butt..! hahaha... the light really bounces off of it... heee...
article comments later...
news/magazine interview
Beyond the Realm of Conscience [blessing ceremony]...
news translation/summary:
moses hopes to go to australia to take a break...
source:, Oriental Daily, Appledaily, Headline Daily
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
PayVision (佘吧)
news comments:
moses definitely needs a break... australia!!! so cool how i mentioned australia yesterday... hehe... get a healthy tan and all, but not too dark... i like pale, but not pallor and yellow, but not jaundice... haha!!! add some red, but not flushed...
they also talked about TVB letting people go... lalala...
picture comments:
love how he looks so happy... big smiles!!!
love the dress shirt X black jeans combo... those new black jeans... hehe... can he stay this size without the tummy?!!
cheung kwok keung (KK) and moses seem close...
and ching hor wai keeps touching our giant BB... i would be doing the same... haha!!!
moses is a damn rock star... don't know what that's all about, but it's a totally cute pose when he dose it...
in the group pic he's sitting like he's the emperor... got used to it i guess... adorable!!!
clip comments:
i don't know, but i really like it when they talk about his weight gain... it's just too funny... and he's so cute!!! check out those eyes... so squinty and happy...
and you have to see that part when charmaine is being interviewed and he comes running from some where to take a group picture... and he does the whole jumping up thing in the back... he's such a dork... living in his own world again... hahaha...
i like how he blocks everyone when they're filming... mountain!!!
moses hopes to go to australia to take a break...
source:, Oriental Daily, Appledaily, Headline Daily
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
PayVision (佘吧)
news comments:
moses definitely needs a break... australia!!! so cool how i mentioned australia yesterday... hehe... get a healthy tan and all, but not too dark... i like pale, but not pallor and yellow, but not jaundice... haha!!! add some red, but not flushed...
they also talked about TVB letting people go... lalala...
picture comments:
love how he looks so happy... big smiles!!!
love the dress shirt X black jeans combo... those new black jeans... hehe... can he stay this size without the tummy?!!
cheung kwok keung (KK) and moses seem close...
and ching hor wai keeps touching our giant BB... i would be doing the same... haha!!!
moses is a damn rock star... don't know what that's all about, but it's a totally cute pose when he dose it...
in the group pic he's sitting like he's the emperor... got used to it i guess... adorable!!!
clip comments:
i don't know, but i really like it when they talk about his weight gain... it's just too funny... and he's so cute!!! check out those eyes... so squinty and happy...
and you have to see that part when charmaine is being interviewed and he comes running from some where to take a group picture... and he does the whole jumping up thing in the back... he's such a dork... living in his own world again... hahaha...
i like how he blocks everyone when they're filming... mountain!!!
moses in Appledaily (5/8)...
source: Appledaily
陳 豪 暴 肥 屁 股 似 加 Pad
陳 豪 大 啖 親 手 炮 製 的 營 養 餐 , 份 外 滋 味 。
陳 豪 為 了 拍 攝 新 劇 《 宮 心 計 》而 增 肥 20 磅 , 劇 集 即 將 拍 完 , 他 也 準 備 好 收 身 大 計 , 並 希 望 以 吃 得 健 康 來 減 肥 。經 過 今 次 增 肥 後 , 陳 豪 終 於 明 白 肥 人 的 苦 處 , 還 常 被 同 事 取 笑 屁 股 加 了 pad 。
陳 豪 跟 師 傅 學 煮 營 養 餐 , 希 望 以 健 康 飲 食 配 合 運 動 來 減 肥 。
陳 豪 不 但 識 炮 製 咖 啡 , 今 次 整 士 多 啤 梨 乳 酪 也 似 模 似 樣 。
雖 然 陳 豪 經 常 為 劇 集 增 肥 又 減 磅 , 但 他 每 次 均 以 最 健 康 方 法 去 達 成 目 標 , 他 說 : 「 因 為 我 好 易 肥 同 好 易 瘦 , 所 以 盡 量 食 得 健 康 , 再 配 合 埋 運 動 , 咁 唔 會 太 難 收 身 。 」
為 了 拍 攝 《 宮 心 計 》 , 陳 豪 ( 右 ) 不 惜 增 肥 20 磅 , 被 笑 屁 股 似 加 了 墊 。 資 料 圖 片
常 坐 立 不 安
陳 豪 向 來 廚 藝 了 得 , 他 謂 近 年 也 越 食 越 健 康 : 「 我 家 比 較 注 重 纖 維 同 營 養 , 以 前 乜 都 食 , 但 當 你 病 過 , 就 會 發 覺 真 係 要 注 意 , 其 實 簡 單 同 唔 需 要 太 貴 嘅 食 物 , 反 而 令 人 更 長 壽 。 」 當 日 他 更 學 煮 燕 麥 百 花 蒸 豆 腐 、 燕 麥 胡 蘿 蔔 木 耳 牛 肉 粥 及 燕 麥 士 多 啤 梨 乳 酪 。
陳 豪 增 重 20 磅 , 終 明 白 肥 胖 的 苦 處 , 他 說 : 「 肥 咗 後 先 知 有 好 多 壞 處 , 會 坐 立 不 安 , 成 個 人 都 唔 想 郁 , 淨 係 想 瞓 覺 。 我 最 肥 係 個 屁 股 , 肥 咗 成 倍 , 拍 劇 時 好 多 人 問 我 屁 股 係 咪 加 咗 pad 。 」
*click on pictures to enlarge...
they said his butt looks like he added pads to it... awww..! i like his big butt... hehe...
i look forward to seeing him with six pack abs... and with a different hairstyle... extreme makeover... hahaha!!! but i don't like the slim look... should look something like hugh jackman... sexy australians... i wonder if moses can pull it off... really can't see it with the hairstyle he has now... that's why i want him to change his hair too... gosh, i'm picky... but a girl can dream...
陳 豪 暴 肥 屁 股 似 加 Pad
陳 豪 大 啖 親 手 炮 製 的 營 養 餐 , 份 外 滋 味 。
陳 豪 為 了 拍 攝 新 劇 《 宮 心 計 》而 增 肥 20 磅 , 劇 集 即 將 拍 完 , 他 也 準 備 好 收 身 大 計 , 並 希 望 以 吃 得 健 康 來 減 肥 。經 過 今 次 增 肥 後 , 陳 豪 終 於 明 白 肥 人 的 苦 處 , 還 常 被 同 事 取 笑 屁 股 加 了 pad 。
陳 豪 跟 師 傅 學 煮 營 養 餐 , 希 望 以 健 康 飲 食 配 合 運 動 來 減 肥 。
陳 豪 不 但 識 炮 製 咖 啡 , 今 次 整 士 多 啤 梨 乳 酪 也 似 模 似 樣 。
陳 豪 目 前 忙 於 拍 攝 無 綫 劇 集 《 宮 心 計 》 , 在 劇 中 飾 演 皇 帝 的 他 為 了 角 色 而 增 重 20 磅 , 由 於 劇 集 快 拍 竣 , 故 他 也 開 始 收 身 , 日 前 更 專 程 到 九 龍 城 學 煮 營 養 餐 。
雖 然 陳 豪 經 常 為 劇 集 增 肥 又 減 磅 , 但 他 每 次 均 以 最 健 康 方 法 去 達 成 目 標 , 他 說 : 「 因 為 我 好 易 肥 同 好 易 瘦 , 所 以 盡 量 食 得 健 康 , 再 配 合 埋 運 動 , 咁 唔 會 太 難 收 身 。 」
為 了 拍 攝 《 宮 心 計 》 , 陳 豪 ( 右 ) 不 惜 增 肥 20 磅 , 被 笑 屁 股 似 加 了 墊 。 資 料 圖 片
常 坐 立 不 安
陳 豪 向 來 廚 藝 了 得 , 他 謂 近 年 也 越 食 越 健 康 : 「 我 家 比 較 注 重 纖 維 同 營 養 , 以 前 乜 都 食 , 但 當 你 病 過 , 就 會 發 覺 真 係 要 注 意 , 其 實 簡 單 同 唔 需 要 太 貴 嘅 食 物 , 反 而 令 人 更 長 壽 。 」 當 日 他 更 學 煮 燕 麥 百 花 蒸 豆 腐 、 燕 麥 胡 蘿 蔔 木 耳 牛 肉 粥 及 燕 麥 士 多 啤 梨 乳 酪 。
陳 豪 增 重 20 磅 , 終 明 白 肥 胖 的 苦 處 , 他 說 : 「 肥 咗 後 先 知 有 好 多 壞 處 , 會 坐 立 不 安 , 成 個 人 都 唔 想 郁 , 淨 係 想 瞓 覺 。 我 最 肥 係 個 屁 股 , 肥 咗 成 倍 , 拍 劇 時 好 多 人 問 我 屁 股 係 咪 加 咗 pad 。 」
*click on pictures to enlarge...
they said his butt looks like he added pads to it... awww..! i like his big butt... hehe...
i look forward to seeing him with six pack abs... and with a different hairstyle... extreme makeover... hahaha!!! but i don't like the slim look... should look something like hugh jackman... sexy australians... i wonder if moses can pull it off... really can't see it with the hairstyle he has now... that's why i want him to change his hair too... gosh, i'm picky... but a girl can dream...
filming Beyond the Realm of Conscience [14]...
check out: 花生糖 BLOG
awww!!! it's so cute seeing moses & mary jie together... remember those pics of her and young lawrence... mother & son... hehe...
it seems like he's a nice emperor... minus those evil eyes... bumpy hair...
loving the colors... let's see what i can do with it in the future...
tummy sticking out!!! haha...
awww!!! it's so cute seeing moses & mary jie together... remember those pics of her and young lawrence... mother & son... hehe...
it seems like he's a nice emperor... minus those evil eyes... bumpy hair...
loving the colors... let's see what i can do with it in the future...
tummy sticking out!!! haha...
McCafé 10th Year Anniversary [news]...
news translation/summary:
during the event he tried the cappuccino and purposely left some foam on his top lip...
he said he will start his weight loss plan/regimen after filming "Beyond"... he hopes that there's a weight loss company that will sponsor him...
reporters said if he does an advertisement/commercial for them, he might have to wear swimming trunks... moses said he doesn't mind if he succeeds in losing weight... reporters said that bernice is the spokesperson for a slimming company and asked moses if they asked them to be a couple (情侶檔) as spokespeople and wanted them to wear swim suits and swimming trunks then what... he laughed and said he doesn't mind being a couple (情侶檔), but if they both wore swim wear it would be too expensive... and he doesn't mind working together to do "sexy" things, but the conscious has to be good and healthy... when asked how many zeros before he agreed, he said money is not the most important...
he has to drink at least 3 cups of coffee a day and the most he drank in one day is 7 cups...
source:, Apple Action News
source: Apple Action News, The Sun, Appledaily, Metro HK,,,
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
Apple Action News - ontv
news comments:
moses with his cappuccino... he should do a "Got Milk" ad... haha!!! he does love his milk... does HK even have that "Got Milk" thing..? hmmm...
a company should definitely sponsor him... is marie france bodyline only for women..? hahaha... that would mean moses can't do it with her...
but mo & bernice in swim wear for an advertisement would cost 1000000000000 dollars... how many zeros is that..? hehe... i doubt it's that much, but it would definitely be expensive...
ehhh, i still think too much coffee is bad for you... heee..!
picture comments:
oh so that's the outfit he has to wear to represent McCafé... i still like it..!
and he has his piercings... yes!!!
mandy is so pretty... hehe...
awww!!! cute picture of him touching his brow... that smile gets me all the time... with his eyes closed... and the tiny outfit... hehehe...
clip comments:
cute!!! did you see him jump a little when he was pushing that thing down... haha... giant BB jumping...
and did you see how he moved in the beginning when that woman was messing with the papers right next to his face... what's with that woman--so rude... but i think he wanted to give her a seat so he looked up and moved a little... love him!!!
during the event he tried the cappuccino and purposely left some foam on his top lip...
he said he will start his weight loss plan/regimen after filming "Beyond"... he hopes that there's a weight loss company that will sponsor him...
reporters said if he does an advertisement/commercial for them, he might have to wear swimming trunks... moses said he doesn't mind if he succeeds in losing weight... reporters said that bernice is the spokesperson for a slimming company and asked moses if they asked them to be a couple (情侶檔) as spokespeople and wanted them to wear swim suits and swimming trunks then what... he laughed and said he doesn't mind being a couple (情侶檔), but if they both wore swim wear it would be too expensive... and he doesn't mind working together to do "sexy" things, but the conscious has to be good and healthy... when asked how many zeros before he agreed, he said money is not the most important...
he has to drink at least 3 cups of coffee a day and the most he drank in one day is 7 cups...
source:, Apple Action News
source: Apple Action News, The Sun, Appledaily, Metro HK,,,
click on pictures to enlarge...
more pictures:
Apple Action News - ontv
news comments:
moses with his cappuccino... he should do a "Got Milk" ad... haha!!! he does love his milk... does HK even have that "Got Milk" thing..? hmmm...
a company should definitely sponsor him... is marie france bodyline only for women..? hahaha... that would mean moses can't do it with her...
but mo & bernice in swim wear for an advertisement would cost 1000000000000 dollars... how many zeros is that..? hehe... i doubt it's that much, but it would definitely be expensive...
ehhh, i still think too much coffee is bad for you... heee..!
picture comments:
oh so that's the outfit he has to wear to represent McCafé... i still like it..!
and he has his piercings... yes!!!
mandy is so pretty... hehe...
awww!!! cute picture of him touching his brow... that smile gets me all the time... with his eyes closed... and the tiny outfit... hehehe...
clip comments:
cute!!! did you see him jump a little when he was pushing that thing down... haha... giant BB jumping...
and did you see how he moved in the beginning when that woman was messing with the papers right next to his face... what's with that woman--so rude... but i think he wanted to give her a seat so he looked up and moved a little... love him!!!
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